It's the year of the sew

19 Jan 2013

I thought it was my idea.

It's been on my list of things to do for about four years, but I didn't realise it was on everyone else's.

A page in my Sunday mag said "sewing will become reality TV's next big thing and you will pay people to tell you what you want."

A few years ago I started telling people what I wanted.  Even though my seamstress didn't really listen, I was happy with my Ibiza dress for my holiday in Ibiza. 

That's me in my made in North London dress.  It looks better when I'm standing up not slouching.
Well, the Great British Sewing Bee will be on the telly soon and I'll watch it with curious eyes.  Until then, I'm going to focus on materials, buttons, zips, colours, textures, patterns and more buttons.

So much too pick from... brilliant.
I have grand plans to create my own made in Southampton dress.  My deadline is May.  I'm going to a friend's wonderful wedding at Finsbury Park Town Hall and I want to look the part.  When someone says "Oh Ena, where did you get that dress?"  I can't wait to shriek with understated excitement


I've discovered Male Pattern Boldness. He only started two years ago and look what he's churning out now.  He wears it well too doesn't he?  MPB says he's proud to be the most popular men's sewing blog. I'd be proud of me too if I'd achieved so much.  I just want to make lots of dresses for me and maybe for you too.
MPB a.k.a Peter Lappin's "Cathy" shoot in New York.  Picture taken from Male Pattern Boldness.  
The site has great tips and really helpful quirky articles on all sorts of things.  There's plenty of information for people like me.

::: Start with a good machine - not got that yet.

::: Buy a good starters book - waiting for mum to remember the name  of the book she thinks is great.

::: Start small - mmmmmmmmm I'm going to ignore this and make a whole big fancy dress.

::: Make up your own rules - ooohh my favourite piece of advice so far.

::: Find a sewing community - i've got Barbara's gang and just added Peter to my virtual community  

::: Make something you really like - totally agree.

::: Take a class/Don't Take a class - i've booked a lesson, but I might cancel it now.

Got to pick a machine first.  Functional, but very presentable, very excited.  

I'll let you know how my year of the sew goes.


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