aahhhhhhhhhhh stains stains go away.

20 May 2013

This is one of my favourite dresses in my world - bought from my favourite shop Ribbons and Taylor for a whole £24.  This is also the photo I took after a big oily orange greasy stain was removed.

I feel proud.

You see, I decided to sit at the table on the floor, put my nachos at arms length and try and get the food into my mouth as quickly as I could before it fell onto me and my white dress.

I thought I'd be alright and after my first nacho I wasn't.

Splish splash splosh. Aaahhhhhhh from me, ahhhhhhhhh from my flatemates, my mouth wide open as we all slowly looked at the big brown stain on my lap.  But I wasn't so panicked, because I had Bicarbonate of Soda. 

So if this should ever happen to you... do as follows....

*Soak the stain and sprinkle with Bicarbonate of Soda (I was going to abbreviate to BOS, but didn't)
*Let stain seep through, then scrap away powder and repeat until bored. (I did it about 6 times)
*Pop into washing machine on delicate cycle (I dry clean nothing)
*Pray a little if you are religious.  I'm not, but I wish a lot and hope who ever hears wishes is listening.
*Take out of machine and take a deep breath and hold it up and try and find the stain.
* If the stain is still there...then sorry I don't know what to suggest next. But if it's not...
*Let the dress dry in the sunshine.
*Stand back and try and spot the stain.  Stand closer and try and spot the stain.
*Can't see anything?
*Then smile a big big smile and be happy. 



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