Matilda always turns up looking great. You can feel her calm confidence when she's around. There are lots of ladies I know and have met that shine.
I get my fashion tips just paying attention to those around me and those that walk past me everyday. Some people might wear stuff that I think just isn't me, but have on the prettiest earrings. Their coat maybe yuk, but underneath their old jumper with jeans looks great. The scarf tied quickly on their head, looks way better than they think or hope or believe.
I might not like what they wore yesterday or tomorrow, but today could be different.
Then there are people who get it right all the time. They know who they are, what goes and what doesn't. They are confident enough to experiment. Meet a few more of the ladies in my life.
Susannah, but I call her Sarah. Always glamorous. Does sexy casual, beautifully & classy very well.
Ling. My friend David's wife. Quirky without trying. She taught me tights & sandals were aye okay.
Julia. Always the best dressed lady in the office. She put things together that I went home and copied.

Danielle. Knows what suits her, young and bold, smiley and fun with the world yet to explore.
Kaara is my happy happy traveller, she gets out there and makes sure life gives her everything it's got.
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