I like velvet now

16 Jan 2013


Velvet is everywhere this winter.  

I've seen lots of red velvet, crushed and shaped into standard dress formats.  Today I contemplated buying a mulled wine coloured skirt in this material  with corduroy trimmings until I tried it on and it just didn't fit.  (sad face)

I've refrained from adding this delicious fabric to my wardrobe because there's already a dark green dress waiting for me at home.

When I was younger I always thought velvet was for older people.  Now that I'm that older person this dress makes me carry myself in in a different way.  I feel like a proper grown up and lady.

I found it amongst the crammed clothes rails at Judy's Vintage Fair in Durham.   When I pulled it out my friend told me it was yuk, but you've just got to trust your instincts and go with it.  So I did.

Why am I reaching for a window sill, in a back yard that looks derelict,  stepping on a dodgy chair?  
Velvet feels like a winter fabric.  But I'm happy to wear it any day of the year.  I bought a nice pink (some pinks are not nice) velvet jacket last year and wish I had never taken it back.  It would have made a great light summer throw on.  I'd love something velvet in navy blue and I was going to say sky blue until I remembered I already have one that I bought nearly 10 years ago.  I'm off to go and dig it out.  I think it's been in my "gone off you, but will like you again soon" drawer for way too long. 

I leave you to look at my feet.  

Shoes: Oasis Sale: £15
Tights: Not in Sale: Tabio


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